Dear Club Secretaries

Swim England Essex would like to invite you to its Annual General Meeting which will take place on Thursday 18th January 2023 at 7.30pm. This year the AGM will be a virtual meeting held via Zoom. The meeting is open to delegates nominated by our clubs. Your club is entitled to send delegates according to the number of members at your clubs – details are in the attached notice. If you wish to send a delegate, please use the link below.

SE Essex AGM – Delegate registration form

The County would also warmly welcome new members onto the Executive committee. Nominations must be completed using the link below. If you wish to apply for more than one role, then use the link as many times as necessary. It is important the proposer and seconder email me via that they confirm the nomination.

SE Essex AGM – Committee nomination form


1. Notice of the meeting
2. Agenda
3. Minutes of previous AGM
4. Membership fees document

The following reports are available to download:

Section managers’ reports:


Angela Eguakhide

Secretary – Swim England Essex